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Snowland Demo Service

Wrote this little PHP-application for demostrating webmonitors in System Center Operations Manager 2007.
It will probably work for any monitoring solution that catches http errorcodes or textstrings on a page.

//Rikard -

How does it work?

This page will generate a random number between 1 and 1000 (Right now 33, giving you a 200 OK)

If the number is between 1 and 23 then a HTTP-error (from the list below) will occur.


You do not need to configure anything... Except your own monitoring software... :-)

Optional: To change the Max-number (right now 1000) you can add a parameter to the page like https://snowland.se/demo/?max=123
Tip: Set the value to 23 to always get a HTTP-error. (You can't go any lower than 23)

Error codes

  1. 400 = Bad Request
  2. 401 = Unauthorized
  3. 402 = Payment Required
  4. 403 = Forbidden
  5. 404 = Not Found
  6. 405 = Method Not Allowed
  7. 406 = Not Acceptable
  8. 407 = Proxy Authentication Required
  9. 408 = Request Timeout
  10. 409 = Conflict
  11. 410 = Gone
  12. 411 = Length Required
  13. 412 = Precondition Failed
  14. 413 = Request Entity Too Large
  15. 414 = Request-URI Too Long
  16. 415 = Unsupported Media Type
  17. 416 = Requested Range Not Satisfiable
  18. 417 = Expectation Failed
  19. 500 = Internal Server Error
  20. 501 = Not Implemented
  21. 502 = Bad Gateway
  22. 503 = Service Unavailable
  23. 504 = Gateway Timeout

Extra message

If the number is over 90% of max (Over 900) you will get an error-text below. (The text "ERR0RME55@GE" with normal (uppercase A-Z) chars)

| snowland.se | ronnkvist.nu | lifestream.ronnkvist.nu | |