Ok, the environment variable SFT_SOFTGRIDSERVER for the Softgrid Client is a small pain in the ass… but there are a few ways around it.


The “easy” way is to use Adidas-net…

Pros: No extra tools needed.
Cons: You ware out your sneakers.

Right click computer.
Environment variables

The tools can be found at adidas.com


The utility setx.exe that can be found in the Windows 2000 Resource Kit and on later versions of Windows the tool is included.

Pros: You can use this in a loginscript.
Cons: Loginscripts sucks.

IF EXIST %SystemRoot%\System32\setx.exe SETX SFT_SOFTGRIDSERVER softgrid.snowland.se

The utility can be found at microsoft.com/downloads/

Group Policy

The (imho) best way is to use a GPO to manage the setting. There are a few ADM-temlates for the Softgrid Client, but if you only want the environment variable, here are an example.

Pros: Easy to manage.
Cons: You need a ADM-template

The ADM-template can be found below:

CATEGORY "Snowland"
        CATEGORY "SoftGrid Client"
        KEYNAME "Environment"
                POLICY "Windows Environment Variable"
                        EXPLAIN "Set SFT_SOFTGRIDSERVER as a user variable"
                        PART "set SFT_SOFTGRIDSERVER=" EDITTEXT
                                VALUENAME "SFT_SOFTGRIDSERVER"
                        END PART
                END POLICY

CATEGORY "Snowland"
        CATEGORY "SoftGrid Client"
                POLICY "Windows Environment Variable"
                        KEYNAME "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
                        EXPLAIN "Set SFT_SOFTGRIDSERVER as a system variable"
                        PART "set SFT_SOFTGRIDSERVER=" EDITTEXT
                                VALUENAME "SFT_SOFTGRIDSERVER"
                        END PART
                END POLICY


VMware to Acquire Thinstall

Looks like Microsoft Softgrid/Application Virtualization is gonna get some more competition… VMware have a huge customerbase.

VMware is excited to announce the acquisition of Thinstall, a complementary virtualization solution provider. By using Thinstall’s unique, agentless application virtualization technology, desktop administrators can realize immediate benefits. Thinstall enables the rapid delivery of complex software applications cost effectively and with increased security. Thinstall products require no pre-installed software on physical clients, no new deployment infrastructure or systems management tools, and make it easy for IT staff to quickly, safely and securely deploy virtualized applications.


MSI Utility for Microsoft Application Virtualization

The MSI Utility for Microsoft Application Virtualization is a new tool designed to extend virtual application deployment in certain key scenarios. In cases where a computer running Microsoft System Center Virtual Application Server is not available, the MSI Utility allows delivery of sequenced applications directly to Microsoft SoftGrid Application Virtualization for Desktops and Microsoft SoftGrid Application Virtualization for Terminal Services.

The MSI Utility enables the distribution of virtual applications without streaming. Instead, it uses Windows Installer to load and configure virtual applications. By leveraging this standard format, the MSI Utility achieves Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 and Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 platform version-agnostic distribution of virtual applications if supported by organizational Electronic Software Distribution (ESD) systems. As such, the MSI Utility is a stepping stone to the richer deployment options available in Microsoft System Center Virtual Application Server 4.5.

The MSI Utility extends application deployment methods to a broad range of ESD systems, including Systems Management Server 2003 and System Center Configuration Manager, as well as other methods such as network shares, removable disks, and memory keys. By using an ESD system to deploy virtualized application packages to disconnected SoftGrid Application Virtualization Desktop Clients, users can run virtualized applications without connecting to a computer running Microsoft System Center Virtual Application Server.

Download at www.microsoft.com/downloads/

SFT Explorer 1.1

A nice tool for Softgrid SFT-files in a new version.

You wanted to see what’s inside SoftGrid package (SFT) file without using SoftGrid Sequencer?
By using SFT Explorer now you can, it will show all that’s inside your SFT package. Files, folders, virtual registry, virtual services … all! And you can optionally export selected content out of the package, to examine files more closely or to migrate virtual registry settings to another package by importing exported reg-file.

With Virtualized System View™, you can even simulate how that package would look like on your local machine when run with SoftGrid SystemGuard environment up, enabling new type of troubleshooting possibilities when you can clearly see what is virtualized against your local system and in what manner.

With filtering you can quickly find certain filetypes, individual files or to see what files constitute the launch-data for package (files belonging to Feature Block 1 section of file).

By using new Fast package loading -option, even extremely large packages are snap to open with SFT Explorer (with only loss of ability to see individual blocks per files).

Download at: www.virtualapp.net/sft-explorer.html

SoftGrid 4.1 SP 1

The first servicepack for Softgrid is out… Softricity used versionnumbers and Microsoft uses Servicepacks.

New Capabilities
Microsoft SoftGrid 4.1 SP1 improves support for sequencing SxS applications that have public assemblies, such as the 2007 Microsoft Office release.

More info & download at: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/938497/

Softgrid KB

After Microsoft bought Softricity they moved the Softgrid Knowledgebase over to the “normal” Microsoft KB…

The downside with that is that they removed some articles.

But… the old KB is still online.

URL: http://softricity.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/softricity.cfg/php/enduser/std_alp.php?p_sid=6ghl8TCi

Tip: Search for “Recipe”

Thanks for the URL Martin…

Varför 8.3-format?

Q: Varför ska man köra med 8.3-format på installationsbibiloteket när man sekvencierar en applikation?
A: Jo… det kan bli krockar annars.

Q: Men om jag kör med “Låååånga namnet på applikationen” för en app och “Den andra applikationen med låååångt namn” så krockar dom inte.
A: Nej, det är möjligt… men…

Nu kommer den lite krångligare biten…

Prova att göra följande:

Starta en cmd.exe och kör

md "Min applikation v1"
md "Min applikation v2"
md "Min applikation v3"
dir /X

Nu borde du se en lista där 8.3-namnet på foldrarna visas. Ungefär:

2007-03-20  11:03              MINAPP~1     Min applikation v1
2007-03-20  11:03              MINAPP~2     Min applikation v2
2007-03-20  11:03              MINAPP~3     Min applikation v3

Prova sedan att köra:

md "En annan applikation v3"
dir /X

Så borde du få ett resultat ungefär så här:

2007-03-20  11:08              ENANNA~1     En annan applikation v3
2007-03-20  11:03              MINAPP~1     Min applikation v1
2007-03-20  11:03              MINAPP~2     Min applikation v2
2007-03-20  11:03              MINAPP~3     Min applikation v3

Som du ser så står det ENANNA~1.

Alltså… varje gång du skapar en folder (eller fil) med ett långt filnamn så kommer den döpas till ett 8.3-namn med ~X där X är ett löpnummer.
Det är inget problem… så länge du inte tar bort foldern, då kommer nämligen löpnummret att nollställas.


rd "En annan applikation v3"
md "En annan applikation v1"
dir /X

Och du får följande resultat:

2007-03-20  11:10              ENANNA~1     En annan applikation v1
2007-03-20  11:03              MINAPP~1     Min applikation v1
2007-03-20  11:03              MINAPP~2     Min applikation v2
2007-03-20  11:03              MINAPP~3     Min applikation v3

Som du ser så står det ENANNA~1 på foldern som numera heter …v1. Samma 8.3-namn som när den hette …v3.

Man bör nollställa datorn varje gång man ska sekvenciera ett nytt program. Då försvinner foldrarna och krock-risken blir större.

Därför ska man använda 8.3-format.

System Center Roadmap

Gänget bakom Techlog.nl har satt ihop en roadmap för hela System Center-familjen…

Skönt att slippa göra den själv ;-)


Mer info (och hela bilden) finns på techlog.nl

Softgrid: De tidigare inläggen

Som ni kanske ser så finns det två inlägg om Softgrid… Sequencing och Distribuering & uppstart

Kanske inte perfekt att ha dessa på med tanke på att man inte ser så bra vad det är som händer, men… för att behaga alla med bättre upplösning på filmklippen finns dom öven under den här sidans download-sektion (Under Video)

Bara ladda hem och njuta… om och om igen… ;-)

Softgrid: Distribuering & uppstart

Publicering & uppstart av WinRAR (samma paket som fixades i posten innan) med hjälp av Softgrid Virtual Application Server…

Orsaken till att uppstarten av WinRAR tar lite tid beror endast på att jag kör i VMWare på min halv-trötta laptop.

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