Re-notify users of a alerts

This little powershell-script will update all alerts with resolutionstate “New” and an age of at least 24 hours… and with that done the users subscribing to that alert will get a new notification.

$UpdateAlerts = Get-Alert | where { $_.ResolutionState -eq 0 -and $_.LastModified -lt (get-date).AddHours(-24) }

foreach ($alert in $UpdateAlerts) { $alert.Update("Renotify operators of an untouched alert open for 24 hours") }

SCCM Console Extensions – Parameters

OK, so now you know the GUID for the right-click tool… but what about passing parameters?

There are a few standard SUB’s (parameters) that you can use, some are listed in this post:

But if you take the example of GUID 5fb29b42-5d11-4642-a6c9-24881a7d317e that you can find under Software Distribution Packages / Packages / Some package / Package Status / Site Server / Right click on a distribution point

Say that you want to pass the server-name or the path to the package…

First off, open the E:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminUI\XmlStorage\ConsoleRoot\AdminConsole.xml in some editor.

Then search for the GUID and you will find something like this.

          SELECT * FROM SMS_PackageStatusDistPointsSummarizer WHERE PackageID='##SUB:PackageID##' AND SiteCode='##SUB:SiteCode##'

A few lines below the GUID you find SELECT * FROM SMS_PackageStatusDistPointsSummarizer WHERE Packa… Copy that line and replace/clean it up so that it is a valid WMI-query.
Will look something like:

SELECT * FROM SMS_PackageStatusDistPointsSummarizer WHERE PackageID='XYZ00123' AND SiteCode='XYZ'

Next step is to start some WMI-browser and connect to root\SMS\site_XYZ and run the query and take a look at the columns.
(I like to use WMI Explorer)

In the query above you will have columns like ServerNALPath, SourceNALPath, SourceVersion this is what you are looking for. :-)

Use them in your extensions like this:

        ##SUB:ServerNALPath## ##SUB:SourceNALPath## ##SUB:SourceVersion##

SCCM Console Extensions – Find the GUID

I wrote some about this topic in a post a while ago… did some more scripting around this today.

This VBScript will read the AdminConsole.xml and look for NameSpaceGuid’s, when it find one it will create a subdirectory (from where it is started) with the GUID and after that it will create a XML-file within that directory.
The XML-file then points to an VBS-file with a couple of parameters. (Look further down for an example of a nice VBScript to use)

Tip: Backup AdminUI\XmlStorage\Extensions\Actions before you start to play around with this.

Const cVbsFile = "testExtension.vbs" ' The file to call on right-click
Const cHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
oReg.GetStringValue cHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ConfigMgr\Setup", "UI Installation Directory", sSccmPath
Set oReg = Nothing

sSourcePath = Replace(WScript.ScriptFullName, WScript.ScriptName, "")

Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFile = oFso.OpenTextFile(sSccmPath & "\XmlStorage\ConsoleRoot\AdminConsole.xml", 1)
Do While oFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
    sText = Trim(uCase(oFile.ReadLine))
    If InStr(sText, "NAMESPACEGUID=") Then

                ' Read the GUID from NameSpaceGuid param
                sGuid = sText
                sGuid = Right(sGuid, Len(sGuid) - InStr(sGuid, "NAMESPACEGUID=") - 14)
                sGuid = Left(sGuid, InStr(sGuid, """")-1)

                if not oFso.FolderExists(sSourcePath & sGuid) Then
                        WScript.Echo sSourcePath & sGuid

                        ' Create the GUID folder
                        oFso.CreateFolder sSourcePath & sGuid

                        ' Create the XML-file with current Guid, Name & ResourceID as parameter to source-VBScript
                        Set oXmlFile = oFso.CreateTextFile(oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%\snowland-guid-locator.xml"), True)
                        oXmlFile.WriteLine ""
                        oXmlFile.WriteLine ""
                        oXmlFile.WriteLine "" & sSourcePath & cVbsFile & ""
                        oXmlFile.WriteLine "" & sGuid & " ##Sub:Name## ##Sub:ResourceID## ##SUB:ItemName## ##SUB:NetworkOSPath## ##SUB:value##"
                        oXmlFile.WriteLine ""
                        oXmlFile.WriteLine ""

                        ' Copy XML to GUID-directory with name "snowland-GUID.xml" as name
                        oFso.CopyFile oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%\snowland-guid-locator.xml"), sSourcePath & sGuid & "\snowland-" & sGuid & ".xml"
                End if
        End If

So… when you restarted the console you will se GUID’s showing up. To get those GUID’s to the clipboard use a testExtension.vbs like this

Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' Create a temporary file
Set oFile = oFso.CreateTextFile(oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%\sccmXmlReader.tmp"), True)

' Loop thru arguments
For i = 0 to WScript.Arguments.Count-1
        sOut = sOut & Wscript.Arguments(i) & VbCrLf
        ' Write to file
        oFile.WriteLine Wscript.Arguments(i)
' Close the file

' Type the file to the clipboard
oShell.Run oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe /c type %TEMP%\sccmXmlReader.tmp | %SystemRoot%\System32\clip.exe"), 1, True

' Delete the file
oFso.DeleteFile oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%\sccmXmlReader.tmp"), True

' Send a message to the user
MsgBox sOut, vbOKOnly, "Copied to clipboard"

Will try to do a post about how to find the SUB’s…