Basic MOM-scripting
Scripting Guys på Microsoft har släppt en enkel artikel om hur man skapar en alert från ett event i MOM.
Ger en ganska enkel och bra bild över hur man kan börja… kan man sedan lite VBScript så är det enkelt att köra vidare från detta…
‘## Title: MakeAlertFromEvent.vbs
‘## Author: Eric Payne
‘## Client\Company: xxxx
‘## Date: 10/16/2006
‘## Purpose:
‘## 1. Response script for MOM. When generating a Windows Application Event on a remote computer,
‘## the "Computer" field in the header of the event is actually the name of the comptuer that
‘## sent the event (Logging computer), not the actual sever it was found on (Source Computer).
‘## When creating a MOM event rule to monitor for this event and generating an alert based on it,
‘## the source field appears as if it was from the Logging Computer and not the Source Computer.
‘## This script changes that Source Computer field to be that of the Source computer
‘## Example:
‘## Server A writes an event to Server B that the "alerter service is down"
‘## On Server B the "Computer" field in the header of the event says "Server A"
‘## When configuring a standard MOM event rule to watch for this event and when generating an alert based on this event
‘## the alert will show "Source Computer" as Server A. This is misleading and is not accurate, but technically correct.
‘## Server B has the problem with the alerter service, not Server A
‘## This script corrects that problem by inserting the correct "Source Computer" into the Source
‘## computer field. So now when an event happens, instead of the rule generating an event, it responds with
‘## this script and generates a custom alert with the source computer showing "Server B"
‘## Requirements:
‘## 1. Mom Script Parameter – Alert Type: Type of alert to raise (ALERT_ERROR, ALERT_INFORMATION, ‘## ALERT_WARNING)
‘## 2. Mom Script Parameter – Alert Name: Name of the Rule this is run from
‘## Basic Logic:
‘## 1. Read in Alert Name and Alert Type
‘## 2. Parse Alert Type
‘## 3. Generate alert with correct source computer
If (ScriptContext.IsEvent()) Then
Dim objParams: Set objParams = ScriptContext.Parameters
Dim strName: strName = objParams.Get("Name")
Set objParams = Nothing
Dim strAlertType: strAlertType = objParams.Get("AlertType")
Dim intAlertID
Select Case strAlertType
intAlertID = 10
intAlertID = 20
intAlertID = 30
intAlertID = 40
intAlertID = 50
intAlertID = 60
intAlertID = 70
End Select
Dim objEvent: Set objEvent = ScriptContext.Event
Dim objAlert: Set objAlert = ScriptContext.CreateAlert()
objAlert.Name = strName
objAlert.AlertLevel = intAlertID
objAlert.Computer = objEvent.SourceComputer
objAlert.AlertSource = objEvent.SourceComputer
objAlert.ComputerDomain = objEvent.SourceDomain
objAlert.Description = objEvent.EventParameter(1)
ScriptContext.Submit objAlert
Set objAlert = Nothing
Set objEvent = Nothing
End If