
  • 2010-10-29 (Rikard Ronnkvist)
    New functions: Update-SCCMDriverPkgSourcePath, Update-SCCMPackageSourcePath, Update-SCCMDriverSourcePath
  • 2010-10-06 (Stefan Ringler)
    New and updated functions from (New-SCCMPackage, New-SCCMAdvertisement, New-SCCMProgram, Add-SCCMDistributionPoint)
  • 2010-09-13 (Rikard Ronnkvist)
    Bugfix: Get-SCCMCollectionMembers (Thanks to Milos)
    Bugfix: Add-SCCMCollectionRule (Thanks to Luigi)
  • 2010-03-26 (Rikard Ronnkvist)
    Separate page on
    New function: New-SCCMPackage
  • 2010-03-23 (Rikard Ronnkvist)
    Fixed some small bugs
    Added limitToCollectionId in Add-SCCMCollectionRule
  • 2010-03-10 (Rikard Ronnkvist)
    Major makeover
    First release
  • 2009-04-07 (Michael Niehaus)
    Original code posted at


  • Save the file as SCCM-Commands.psm1
  • PS:>Import-Module SCCM-Commands
  • PS:>Get-SCCMCommands


# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#                                                                                                                            Rikard Ronnkvist /
#  Usage:
#   Save the file as SCCM-Commands.psm1
#   PS:>Import-Module SCCM-Commands
#   PS:>Get-SCCMCommands
#  2009-04-07   Michael Niehaus     Original code posted at
#  2010-03-10   Rikard Ronnkvist    Major makeover and first release
#  2010-03-23   Rikard Ronnkvist    Fixed some small bugs and added limitToCollectionId in Add-SCCMCollectionRule
#  2010-03-26   Rikard Ronnkvist    New function: New-SCCMPackage
#  2010-09-13   Rikard Ronnkvist    Bugfixes to Add-SCCMCollectionRule and Get-SCCMCollectionMembers (Thanks to comments on from Milos and Luigi)
#  2010-10-06   Stefan Ringler      New and updated functions from (New-SCCMPackage, New-SCCMAdvertisement, New-SCCMProgram, Add-SCCMDistributionPoint)
#  2010-10-29   Rikard Ronnkvist    New functions: Update-SCCMDriverPkgSourcePath, Update-SCCMPackageSourcePath, Update-SCCMDriverSourcePath
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Function Get-SCCMCommands {
        # List all SCCM-commands
        PARAM ()
        PROCESS {
                return Get-Command -Name *-SCCM* -CommandType Function  | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table Name, Module

Function Connect-SCCMServer {
        # Connect to one SCCM server
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="SCCM Server Name or FQDN",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("ServerName","FQDN","ComputerName")][String] $HostName = (Get-Content env:computername),
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Optional SCCM Site Code",ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true )][String] $siteCode = $null,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Credentials to use" )][System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $credential = $null

        PROCESS {
                # Get the pointer to the provider for the site code
                if ($siteCode -eq $null -or $siteCode -eq "") {
                        Write-Verbose "Getting provider location for default site on server $HostName"
                        if ($credential -eq $null) {
                                $sccmProviderLocation = Get-WmiObject -query "select * from SMS_ProviderLocation where ProviderForLocalSite = true" -Namespace "root\sms" -computername $HostName -errorAction Stop
                        } else {
                                $sccmProviderLocation = Get-WmiObject -query "select * from SMS_ProviderLocation where ProviderForLocalSite = true" -Namespace "root\sms" -computername $HostName -credential $credential -errorAction Stop
                } else {
                        Write-Verbose "Getting provider location for site $siteCode on server $HostName"
                        if ($credential -eq $null) {
                                $sccmProviderLocation = Get-WmiObject -query "SELECT * FROM SMS_ProviderLocation where SiteCode = '$siteCode'" -Namespace "root\sms" -computername $HostName -errorAction Stop
                        } else {
                                $sccmProviderLocation = Get-WmiObject -query "SELECT * FROM SMS_ProviderLocation where SiteCode = '$siteCode'" -Namespace "root\sms" -computername $HostName -credential $credential -errorAction Stop

                # Split up the namespace path
                $parts = $sccmProviderLocation.NamespacePath -split "\\", 4
                Write-Verbose "Provider is located on $($sccmProviderLocation.Machine) in namespace $($parts[3])"

                # Create a new object with information
                $retObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Object
                $retObj | add-Member -memberType NoteProperty -name Machine -Value $HostName
                $retObj | add-Member -memberType NoteProperty -name Namespace -Value $parts[3]
                $retObj | add-Member -memberType NoteProperty -name SccmProvider -Value $sccmProviderLocation

                return $retObj

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Function Get-SCCMObject {
        #  Generic query tool
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Class to query",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Table","View")][String] $class,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Optional Filter on query")][String] $Filter = $null

        PROCESS {
                if ($Filter -eq $null -or $Filter -eq "")
                        Write-Verbose "WMI Query: SELECT * FROM $class"
                        $retObj = get-wmiobject -class $class -computername $SccmServer.Machine -namespace $SccmServer.Namespace
                        Write-Verbose "WMI Query: SELECT * FROM $class WHERE $Filter"
                        $retObj = get-wmiobject -query "SELECT * FROM $class WHERE $Filter" -computername $SccmServer.Machine -namespace $SccmServer.Namespace

                return $retObj

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Function Get-SCCMPackage {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Optional Filter on query")][String] $Filter = $null

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_Package" -Filter $Filter

Function Get-SCCMCollection {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Optional Filter on query")][String] $Filter = $null

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_Collection" -Filter $Filter

Function Get-SCCMAdvertisement {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Optional Filter on query")][String] $Filter = $null

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_Advertisement" -Filter $Filter

Function Get-SCCMDriver {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Optional Filter on query")][String] $Filter = $null

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_Driver" -Filter $Filter

Function Get-SCCMDriverPackage {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Optional Filter on query")][String] $Filter = $null

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_DriverPackage" -Filter $Filter

Function Get-SCCMTaskSequence {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Optional Filter on query")][String] $Filter = $null

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_TaskSequence" -Filter $Filter

Function Get-SCCMSite {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Optional Filter on query")][String] $Filter = $null

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_Site" -Filter $Filter

Function Get-SCCMImagePackage {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Optional Filter on query")][String] $Filter = $null

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_ImagePackage" -Filter $Filter

Function Get-SCCMOperatingSystemInstallPackage {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Optional Filter on query")][String] $Filter = $null

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_OperatingSystemInstallPackage" -Filter $Filter

Function Get-SCCMBootImagePackage {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Optional Filter on query")][String] $Filter = $null

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_BootImagePackage" -Filter $Filter

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Function Get-SCCMComputer {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Filter on SCCM Resource ID",ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][int32] $ResourceID = $false,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Filter on Netbiosname on computer",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $NetbiosName = "%",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Filter on Domain name",ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][Alias("Domain", "Workgroup")][String] $ResourceDomainOrWorkgroup = "%",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Filter on SmbiosGuid (UUID)")][String] $SmBiosGuid = "%"

        PROCESS {
                if ($ResourceID -eq $false -and $NetbiosName -eq "%" -and $ResourceDomainOrWorkgroup -eq "%" -and $SmBiosGuid -eq "%") {
                        throw "Need at least one filter..."

                if ($ResourceID -eq $false) {
                        return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_R_System" -Filter "NetbiosName LIKE '$NetbiosName' AND ResourceDomainOrWorkgroup LIKE '$ResourceDomainOrWorkgroup' AND SmBiosGuid LIKE '$SmBiosGuid'"
                } else {
                        return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_R_System" -Filter "ResourceID = $ResourceID"

Function Get-SCCMUser {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Filter on SCCM Resource ID",ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][int32] $ResourceID = $false,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Filter on unique username in form DOMAIN\UserName",ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][String] $UniqueUserName = "%",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Filter on Domain name",ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][Alias("Domain")][String] $WindowsNTDomain = "%",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Filter on UserName",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $UserName = "%"

        PROCESS {
                if ($ResourceID -eq $false -and $UniqueUserName -eq "%" -and $WindowsNTDomain -eq "%" -and $UserName -eq "%") {
                        throw "Need at least one filter..."

                if ($ResourceID -eq $false) {
                        return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_R_User" -Filter "UniqueUserName LIKE '$UniqueUserName' AND WindowsNTDomain LIKE '$WindowsNTDomain' AND UserName LIKE '$UserName'"
                } else {
                        return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_R_User" -Filter "ResourceID = $ResourceID"

Function Get-SCCMCollectionMembers {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="CollectionID", ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $CollectionID

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_CollectionMember_a" -Filter "CollectionID = '$CollectionID'"

Function Get-SCCMSubCollections {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="CollectionID",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("parentCollectionID")][String] $CollectionID

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_CollectToSubCollect" -Filter "parentCollectionID = '$CollectionID'"

Function Get-SCCMParentCollection {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="CollectionID",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("subCollectionID")][String] $CollectionID

        PROCESS {
                $parentCollection = Get-SCCMObject -sccmServer $SccmServer -class "SMS_CollectToSubCollect" -Filter "subCollectionID = '$CollectionID'"

                return Get-SCCMCollection -sccmServer $SccmServer -Filter "CollectionID = '$($parentCollection.parentCollectionID)'"

Function Get-SCCMSiteDefinition {
        # Get all definitions for one SCCM site
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer

        PROCESS {
                Write-Verbose "Refresh the site $($SccmServer.SccmProvider.SiteCode) control file"
                Invoke-WmiMethod -path SMS_SiteControlFile -name RefreshSCF -argumentList $($SccmServer.SccmProvider.SiteCode) -computername $SccmServer.Machine -namespace $SccmServer.Namespace

                Write-Verbose "Get the site definition object for this site"
                return get-wmiobject -query "SELECT * FROM SMS_SCI_SiteDefinition WHERE SiteCode = '$($SccmServer.SccmProvider.SiteCode)' AND FileType = 2" -computername $SccmServer.Machine -namespace $SccmServer.Namespace

Function Get-SCCMSiteDefinitionProps {
        # Get definitionproperties for one SCCM site
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer

        PROCESS {
                return Get-SCCMSiteDefinition -sccmServer $SccmServer | ForEach-Object { $_.Props }

Function Get-SCCMIsR2 {
        # Return $true if the SCCM server is R2 capable
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer

        PROCESS {
                $result = Get-SCCMSiteDefinitionProps -sccmServer $SccmServer | ? {$_.PropertyName -eq "IsR2CapableRTM"}
                if (-not $result) {
                        return $false
                } elseif ($result.Value = 31) {
                        return $true
                } else {
                        return $false

Function Get-SCCMCollectionRules {
        # Get a set of all collectionrules
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="CollectionID", ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $CollectionID

        PROCESS {
                Write-Verbose "Collecting rules for $CollectionID"
                $col = [wmi]"$($SccmServer.SccmProvider.NamespacePath):SMS_Collection.CollectionID='$($CollectionID)'"

                return $col.CollectionRules

Function Get-SCCMInboxes {
        # Give a count of files in the SCCM-inboxes
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server",ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Minimum number of files in directory")][int32] $minCount = 1

        PROCESS {
                Write-Verbose "Reading \\$($SccmServer.Machine)\SMS_$($SccmServer.SccmProvider.SiteCode)\inboxes"
                return Get-ChildItem \\$($SccmServer.Machine)\SMS_$($SccmServer.SccmProvider.SiteCode)\inboxes -Recurse | Group-Object Directory | Where { $_.Count -gt $minCount } | Format-Table Count, Name -AutoSize
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Function New-SCCMCollection {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Collection Name", ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $name,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Collection comment")][String] $comment = "",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Refresh Rate in Minutes")] [ValidateRange(0, 59)] [int] $refreshMinutes = 0,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Refresh Rate in Hours")] [ValidateRange(0, 23)] [int] $refreshHours = 0,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Refresh Rate in Days")] [ValidateRange(0, 31)] [int] $refreshDays = 0,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Parent CollectionID")][String] $parentCollectionID = "COLLROOT"

        PROCESS {
                # Build the parameters for creating the collection
                $arguments = @{Name = $name; Comment = $comment; OwnedByThisSite = $true}
                $newColl = Set-WmiInstance -class "SMS_Collection" -arguments $arguments -computername $SccmServer.Machine -namespace $SccmServer.Namespace

                # Hack - for some reason without this we don't get the CollectionID value
                $hack = $newColl.PSBase | select * | out-null

                # It's really hard to set the refresh schedule via Set-WmiInstance, so we'll set it later if necessary
                if ($refreshMinutes -gt 0 -or $refreshHours -gt 0 -or $refreshDays -gt 0)
                        Write-Verbose "Create the recur interval object"
                        $intervalClass = [WMICLASS]"\\$($SccmServer.Machine)\$($SccmServer.Namespace):SMS_ST_RecurInterval"
                        $interval = $intervalClass.CreateInstance()
                        if ($refreshMinutes -gt 0) {
                                $interval.MinuteSpan = $refreshMinutes
                        if ($refreshHours -gt 0) {
                                $interval.HourSpan = $refreshHours
                        if ($refreshDays -gt 0) {
                                $interval.DaySpan = $refreshDays

                        Write-Verbose "Set the refresh schedule"
                        $newColl.RefreshSchedule = $interval
                        $path = $newColl.Put()

                Write-Verbose "Setting the new $($newColl.CollectionID) parent to $parentCollectionID"
                $subArguments  = @{SubCollectionID = $newColl.CollectionID}
                $subArguments += @{ParentCollectionID = $parentCollectionID}

                # Add the link
                $newRelation = Set-WmiInstance -Class "SMS_CollectToSubCollect" -arguments $subArguments -computername $SccmServer.Machine -namespace $SccmServer.Namespace

                Write-Verbose "Return the new collection with ID $($newColl.CollectionID)"
                return $newColl

Function Add-SCCMCollectionRule {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  HelpMessage="CollectionID", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $collectionID,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Computer name to add (direct)", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String] $name,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="WQL Query Expression", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String] $queryExpression = $null,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Limit to collection (Query)", ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [String] $limitToCollectionId = $null,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  HelpMessage="Rule Name", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String] $queryRuleName

        PROCESS {
                # Get the specified collection (to make sure we have the lazy properties)
                $coll = [wmi]"$($SccmServer.SccmProvider.NamespacePath):SMS_Collection.CollectionID='$collectionID'"

                # Build the new rule
                if ($queryExpression.Length -gt 0) {
                        # Create a query rule
                        $ruleClass = [WMICLASS]"$($SccmServer.SccmProvider.NamespacePath):SMS_CollectionRuleQuery"
                        $newRule = $ruleClass.CreateInstance()
                        $newRule.RuleName = $queryRuleName
                        $newRule.QueryExpression = $queryExpression
                        if ($limitToCollectionId -ne $null) {
                                $newRule.LimitToCollectionID = $limitToCollectionId

                        $null = $coll.AddMembershipRule($newRule)
                } else {
                        $ruleClass = [WMICLASS]"$($SccmServer.SccmProvider.NamespacePath):SMS_CollectionRuleDirect"

                        # Find each computer
                        $computer = Get-SCCMComputer -sccmServer $SccmServer -NetbiosName $name
                        # See if the computer is already a member
                        $found = $false
                        if ($coll.CollectionRules -ne $null) {
                                foreach ($member in $coll.CollectionRules) {
                                        if ($member.ResourceID -eq $computer.ResourceID) {
                                                $found = $true
                        if (-not $found) {
                                Write-Verbose "Adding new rule for computer $name"
                                $newRule = $ruleClass.CreateInstance()
                                $newRule.RuleName = $name
                                $newRule.ResourceClassName = "SMS_R_System"
                                $newRule.ResourceID = $computer.ResourceID

                                $null = $coll.AddMembershipRule($newRule)
                        } else {
                                Write-Verbose "Computer $name is already in the collection"

Function Add-SCCMDirUserCollectionRule {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][String] $CollectionID,
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $UserName

        PROCESS {
                $coll = [wmi]"\\$($SccmServer.Machine)\$($SccmServer.Namespace):SMS_Collection.CollectionID='$CollectionID'"
                $ruleClass = [WMICLASS]"\\$($SccmServer.Machine)\$($SccmServer.Namespace):SMS_CollectionRuleDirect"

                $UserRule=Get-User "userName='$UserName'"
                $NewRuleResourceID = $UserRule.ResourceID
                $newRule = $ruleClass.CreateInstance()

                $newRule.RuleName = $NewRuleName
                $newRule.ResourceClassName = "SMS_R_User"
                $newRule.ResourceID = $NewRuleResourceID

                $null = $coll.AddMembershipRule($newRule)
                Clear-Variable -name oldrule -errorAction SilentlyContinue
                Clear-Variable -name Coll -errorAction SilentlyContinue

Function New-SCCMPackage {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Package Name", ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $Name,

                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Package Version")][String] $Version = "",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Package Manufacturer")][String] $Manufacturer = "",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Package Language")][String] $Language = "",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Package Description")][String] $Description = "",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Package Data Source Path")][String] $PkgSourcePath = "",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Package Sharename")][String] $PkgShareName = ""

        PROCESS {
                $packageClass = [WMICLASS]"\\$($SccmServer.Machine)\$($SccmServer.Namespace):SMS_Package"
                $newPackage = $packageClass.createInstance() 

                $newPackage.Name = $Name
                if ($Version -ne "")          { $newPackage.Version = $Version }
                if ($Manufacturer -ne "")     { $newPackage.Manufacturer = $Manufacturer }
                if ($Language -ne "")                 { $newPackage.Language = $Language }
                if ($Description -ne "")      { $newPackage.Description = $Description }

                if ($PkgSourcePath -ne "") {
                        $newPackage.PkgSourceFlag = 2  # Direct (3 = Compressed)
                        $newPackage.PkgSourcePath = $PkgSourcePath
                        if ($PkgShareName -ne "") {
                                $newPackage.ShareName = $PkgShareName
                                $newPackage.ShareType = 2
                } else {
                        $newPackage.PkgSourceFlag = 1  # No source
                        $newPackage.PkgSourcePath = $null

                Write-Verbose "Return the new package with ID $($newPackage.PackageID)"
                return $newPackage

Function New-SCCMAdvertisement {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $AdvertisementName,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $collectionID,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $PackageID,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ProgramName,
                [Switch] $Download,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="YYYYMMDDhhmm")] $StartTime,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="YYYYMMDDhhmm")] $EndTime,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="YYYYMMDDhhmm")] $MandatoryTime
        PROCESS {
                $strServer = $SccmServer.machine
                $strNamespace= $SccmServer.namespace
                $AdvClass = [WmiClass]("\\$strServer\" + "$strNameSpace" + ":SMS_Advertisement")
                if ($Download) {
                        $RemoteClientFlags = "3152"
                } else {
                        $RemoteClientFlags = "3208"
                if ($StartTime -ne $null) {
                        $PresentTime = $StartTime + "00.000000+***"
                } else {
                        $PresentTime = "20200110000000.000000+***"
                if ($EndTime -ne $null) {
                        $ExpirationTime = $Endtime + "00.000000+***"
                        $ExpirationTimeEnabled = $true
                } else {
                        $ExpirationTime = "20200113000000.000000+***"
                        $ExpirationTimeEnabled = $false
                if ($MandatoryTime -ne $null) {
                        $Deadline = $MandatoryTime + "00.000000+***"
                } else {
                        $Deadline = $null

                # Get the all the Advertisement Properties
                $newAdvertisement = $AdvClass.CreateInstance()
                $newAdvertisement.AdvertisementName = $AdvertisementName
                $newAdvertisement.CollectionID = $collectionID
                $newAdvertisement.PackageID = $PackageID
                $newAdvertisement.ProgramName = $ProgramName
                $newAdvertisement.RemoteClientFlags = $RemoteClientFlags
                $newAdvertisement.PresentTime = $PresentTime
                $newAdvertisement.ExpirationTime = $ExpirationTime
                $newAdvertisement.ExpirationTimeEnabled = $ExpirationTimeEnabled
                $newAdvertisement.Priority = "2"
                $newAdvertisement.IncludeSubCollection = $false

                # Create Advertisement
                $retval = $newAdvertisement.psbase.Put()
                if ($Deadline -ne $null) {
                        # Create Mandatory Schedule
                        $wmiClassSchedule = [WmiClass]("\\$strServer\" + "$strNameSpace" + ":SMS_ST_NonRecurring")
                        $AssignedSchedule = $wmiClassSchedule.psbase.createinstance()
                        $AssignedSchedule.starttime = $Deadline
                        if ($Download) {
                                $newAdvertisement.RemoteClientFlags = "9296"
                        } else {
                                $newAdvertisement.RemoteClientFlags = "9352"
                        $newAdvertisement.AssignedSchedule = $AssignedSchedule
                        $newAdvertisement.AssignedScheduleEnabled = $true
                        $NewAdvertisementProperties = $newAdvertisement.AssignedSchedule
                        foreach ($Adv in $NewAdvertisementProperties) {
                                write-verbose "Created Advertisement. Name = $($newAdvertisement.AdvertisementName)"
                                write-verbose "Created Advertisement. ID = $newAdvertisement"
                                Write-Verbose "Mandatory Deadline created: $($Adv.StartTime)"
                } else {
                        write-verbose "Created Advertisement. Name = $($newAdvertisement.AdvertisementName)"
                        write-verbose "Created Advertisement. ID = $newAdvertisement"
                        write-verbose "No Mandatory-Deadline defined"

Function New-SCCMProgram {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Program Name")][String] $PrgName = "",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Program PackageID")]$PrgPackageID,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Program Comment")][String] $PrgComment = "",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Program CommandLine")][String] $PrgCommandLine = "",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Program MaxRunTime")]$PrgMaxRunTime,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Program Diskspace Requirement")]$PrgSpaceReq,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Program Working Directory")][String] $PrgWorkDir = "",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Program Flags")] $PrgFlags
        PROCESS {
                $programClass = [WMICLASS]"\\$($SccmServer.Machine)\$($SccmServer.Namespace):SMS_Program"
                $newProgram = $programClass.createInstance()
                $newProgram.ProgramName = $PrgName
                $newProgram.PackageID = $PrgPackageID
                if ($PrgComment -ne "") { $newProgram.Comment = $PrgComment }
                if ($PrgCommandLine -ne "") { $newProgram.CommandLine = $PrgCommandLine }
                if ($PrgMaxRunTime -ne $null) { $newProgram.Duration = $PrgMaxRunTime} else { $newProgram.Duration = "0" }
                if ($PrgSpaceReq -ne $null) { $newProgram.DiskSpaceReq = $PrgSpaceReq }
                if ($PrgWorkDir -ne "") { $newProgram.WorkingDirectory = $PrgWorkDir }
                if ($PrgFlags -ne $null) { $newProgram.ProgramFlags = $PrgFlags} else { $newProgram.ProgramFlags = "135290880" }
                Write-Verbose "Return the new program for Package $($newProgram.PackageID)"
                return $newProgram

Function Add-SCCMDistributionPoint {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="PackageID")][String] $DPPackageID,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="DistributionPoint Servername")][String]$DPName = "",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="All DistributionPoints of SiteCode")][String] $DPsSiteCode = "",
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Distribution Point Group")][String] $DPGroupName = "",
                [Switch] $AllDPs
        PROCESS {
                if ($DPName -ne "") {
                        $Resource = Get-SCCMObject -SccmServer $SccmServer -class SMS_SystemResourceList -Filter "RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point' and Servername = '$DPName'"
                        $DPClass = [WMICLASS]"\\$($SccmServer.Machine)\$($SccmServer.Namespace):SMS_DistributionPoint"
                        $newDistributionPoint = $DPClass.createInstance()
                        $newDistributionPoint.PackageID = $DPPackageID
                        $newDistributionPoint.ServerNALPath = $Resource.NALPath
                        $newDistributionPoint.SiteCode = $Resource.SiteCode
                        Write-Verbose "Assigned Package: $($newDistributionPoint.PackageID)"
                if ($DPsSiteCode -ne "") {
                        $ListOfResources = Get-SCCMObject -SccmServer $SccmServer -class SMS_SystemResourceList -Filter "RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point' and SiteCode = '$DPsSiteCode'"
                        $DPClass = [WMICLASS]"\\$($SccmServer.Machine)\$($SccmServer.Namespace):SMS_DistributionPoint"
                        $newDistributionPoint = $DPClass.createInstance()
                        $newDistributionPoint.PackageID = $DPPackageID
                        foreach ($resource in $ListOfResources) {
                                $newDistributionPoint.ServerNALPath = $Resource.NALPath
                                $newDistributionPoint.SiteCode = $Resource.SiteCode
                                Write-Verbose "Assigned Package: $($newDistributionPoint.PackageID)"
                if ($DPGroupName -ne "") {
                        $DPGroup = Get-SCCMObject -sccmserver $SccmServer -class SMS_DistributionPointGroup -Filter "sGroupName = '$DPGroupName'"
                        $DPGroupNALPaths = $DPGroup.arrNALPath
                        $DPClass = [WMICLASS]"\\$($SccmServer.Machine)\$($SccmServer.Namespace):SMS_DistributionPoint"
                        $newDistributionPoint = $DPClass.createInstance()
                        $newDistributionPoint.PackageID = $DPPackageID
                        foreach ($DPGroupNALPath in $DPGroupNALPaths) {
                                $DPResource = Get-SCCMObject -SccmServer $SccmServer -class SMS_SystemResourceList -Filter "RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point'" | Where-Object {$_.NALPath -eq $DPGroupNALPath}
                                if ($DPResource -ne $null) {
                                        Write-Verbose "$DPResource"
                                        $newDistributionPoint.ServerNALPath = $DPResource.NALPath
                                        Write-Verbose "ServerNALPath = $($newDistributionPoint.ServerNALPath)"
                                        $newDistributionPoint.SiteCode = $DPResource.SiteCode
                                        Write-Verbose "SiteCode = $($newDistributionPoint.SiteCode)"
                                        Write-Host "Assigned Package: $($newDistributionPoint.PackageID) to $($DPResource.ServerName)"
                                } else {
                                        Write-Host "DP not found = $DPGroupNALPath"
                if ($AllDPs) {
                        $ListOfResources = Get-SCCMObject -SccmServer $SccmServer -class SMS_SystemResourceList -Filter "RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point'"
                        $DPClass = [WMICLASS]"\\$($SccmServer.Machine)\$($SccmServer.Namespace):SMS_DistributionPoint"
                        $newDistributionPoint = $DPClass.createInstance()
                        $newDistributionPoint.PackageID = $DPPackageID
                        foreach ($resource in $ListOfResources) {
                                $newDistributionPoint.ServerNALPath = $Resource.NALPath
                                $newDistributionPoint.SiteCode = $Resource.SiteCode
                                Write-Verbose "Assigned Package: $($newDistributionPoint.PackageID) $($newDistributionPoint.ServerNALPath)"

Function Update-SCCMDriverPkgSourcePath {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Current Path", ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $currentPath,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="New Path", ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $newPath

        PROCESS {
                Get-SCCMDriverPackage -sccmserver $SccmServer | Where-Object {$_.PkgSourcePath -ilike "*$($currentPath)*" } | Foreach-Object {
                        $newSourcePath = ($_.PkgSourcePath -ireplace [regex]::Escape($currentPath), $newPath)
                        Write-Verbose "Changing from '$($_.PkgSourcePath)' to '$($newSourcePath)' on $($_.PackageID)"
                        $_.PkgSourcePath = $newSourcePath
                        $_.Put() | Out-Null

Function Update-SCCMPackageSourcePath {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Current Path", ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $currentPath,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="New Path", ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $newPath

        PROCESS {
                Get-SCCMPackage -sccmserver $SccmServer | Where-Object {$_.PkgSourcePath -ilike "*$($currentPath)*" } | Foreach-Object {
                        $newSourcePath = ($_.PkgSourcePath -ireplace [regex]::Escape($currentPath), $newPath)
                        Write-Verbose "Changing from '$($_.PkgSourcePath)' to '$($newSourcePath)' on $($_.PackageID)"
                        $_.PkgSourcePath = $newSourcePath
                        $_.Put() | Out-Null

Function Update-SCCMDriverSourcePathnotepad {
        PARAM (
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="SCCM Server")][Alias("Server","SmsServer")][System.Object] $SccmServer,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Current Path", ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $currentPath,
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="New Path", ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $newPath

        PROCESS {
                Get-SCCMDriver -sccmserver $SccmServer | Where-Object {$_.ContentSourcePath -ilike "*$($currentPath)*" } | Foreach-Object {
                        $newSourcePath = ($_.ContentSourcePath -ireplace [regex]::Escape($currentPath), $newPath)
                        Write-Verbose "Changing from '$($_.ContentSourcePath)' to '$($newSourcePath)' on $($_.PackageID)"
                        $_.ContentSourcePath = $newSourcePath
                        $_.Put() | Out-Null
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


# List all available SCCM commands

# Create an SCCM-Connection to the local server
$sccm = Connect-SCCMServer -Verbose

# Create a new collection with a querybased collection rule and a direct member
$newCollection = New-SCCMCollection -SccmServer $sccm -name "Some Collection Name" -Verbose
Add-SCCMCollectionRule -Server $sccm -collectionID $newRoot.CollectionId -queryExpression "SELECT * FROM SMS_R_System" -queryRuleName "All Systems" -Verbose
Add-SCCMCollectionRule -Server $sccm -collectionID $newRoot.CollectionId -name "COMPUTER123" -Verbose

# Count files in the inboxes
$sccm | Get-SCCMInboxes

# Get a package
$MyPackage = Get-SCCMPackage -server $sccm -filter "Name = 'Some Package Name'"