Monitor COM+ Call Time

With a little help from Egilh you can monitor the Call Time on your COM-objects in MOM…

First, download and install the DLL on the server you want to monitor, then use this script:

' Script to montior COM-obecjt call time
'                                         Rikard Rönnkvist / / 2008-09-16

'Get the com+ call times
Set oTracker = CreateObject("egilh.ComTracker")
sResult = oTracker.getStatistics()

'Display call times
Set oDOM = CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.3.0")
oDOM.loadXML (sResult)

For Each oNode In oDOM.selectNodes("/applications/application/classes/class")
        ' Create performance data
        Set oPerfData = ScriptContext.CreatePerfData
        With oPerfData
                .ObjectName = "COM-Objects"
                .InstanceName = oNode.selectSingleNode("progID").Text
                .CounterName = "CallTime"
                .Value = oNode.selectSingleNode("responseTime").Text
        End With
        ScriptContext.Submit oPerfData
        Set oPerfData = Nothing