SCOM Alert History Grooming
Myself and Pontus Blomqvist found a small but annoying bug…
If you have an alert in SCOM that still isn’t resolved but an entry in the history is older than your grooming-settings the history-data will be groomed.
Why? If you look in to the stored procedure named p_AlertGrooming you can se that it works like this:
- Get setting for Grooming (Deleting)
- Loop thru all alerts that have resolution state = 255 (closed)
—- Groom the history-data for the alert
—- Groom the alert
- Groom all alert-history that are older than the grooming-setting (No matter what resolution state)
So the last step is not needed since the history is groomed when the resolution state is set to 255.
Find the delete-rows in the stored procedure named p_AlertGrooming and comment them out…
Change this 2 rows from:
WHERE TimeAdded < @GroomingThresholdUTC
– DELETE dbo.AlertHistory
– WHERE TimeAdded < @GroomingThresholdUTC