Change a folder LastWriteTime based on files within it

A few days ago I wrote a script that copies some files. Did notice that everything except the date on the folders were ok. So I added a few more lines of powershell code.

Did find a few suggestions on the web, but I like this one…. Since I wrote it. :-P

Function Set-FolderDate {
        Param (
                [string] $Path
        Trap  [Exception] {
                Write-Debug $("TRAPPED: " + $_.Exception.Message);
                Write-Verbose "Could not change date on folder (Folder open in explorer?)"

        # Get latest filedate in folder
        $LatestFile = Get-ChildItem $Path | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

        # Change the date, if needed
        $Folder = Get-Item $path
        if ($LatestFile.LastWriteTime -ne $Folder.LastWriteTime) {
                Write-Verbose "Changing date on folder '$($Path)' to '$($LatestFile.LastWriteTime)' taken from '$($LatestFile)'"
                $Folder.LastWriteTime = $LatestFile.LastWriteTime

        Return $Folder

Set-FolderDate -Path "D:\temp"