PSOL: Resolve informational alerts without repeatcount
To get rid of a large number of alerts in SCOM you can of course use PowerShell…
This script will take informational alerts without any repeats that are 24 hours old and simply resolve them with a small comment.
get-alert | where { $_.Severity -eq 0 -and $_.RepeatCount -eq 0 -and $_.ResolutionState -eq '0' -and $_.LastModified -lt (get-date).AddHours(-24)} | Resolve-Alert -comment "Alert resovled via script (24 hours old informational alert without repeatcount)" | Format-Table MonitoringObjectPath, Name, TimeRaised
(Change “$_.RepeatCount -eq 0″ to “$_.RepeatCount -lt 3″ to get alerts with less then 3 repeats)