SCCM Status Message Query for Advertismet

Made a small combination of a couple of queries, so this will show “Clients That Ran, Received, Rejected or Started a Specific Advertised Program

SELECT stat.*, ins.*, att1.*, att1.AttributeTime
FROM SMS_StatusMessage AS stat
LEFT JOIN SMS_StatMsgInsStrings AS ins ON stat.RecordID = ins.RecordID
LEFT JOIN SMS_StatMsgAttributes AS att1 ON stat.RecordID = att1.RecordID
INNER JOIN SMS_StatMsgAttributes AS att2 ON stat.RecordID = att2.RecordID

        stat.ModuleName = "SMS Client" AND
                (stat.MessageID = 10005 AND att2.AttributeID = 401)  OR
                (stat.MessageID >= 10018 AND stat.MessageID <=10019 and att2.AttributeID = 401) OR
                (stat.MessageID = 10002 AND att2.AttributeID = 401) OR
                (stat.MessageID >= 10008 AND stat.MessageID <= 10009)
        AND att2.AttributeValue = ##PRM:SMS_StatMsgAttributes.AttributeValue##
        AND att2.AttributeTime >= ##PRM:SMS_StatMsgAttributes.AttributeTime##
ORDER BY att1.AttributeTime DESC

Clients missing inventory

I’m trying to figure out why some clients are missing the inventory in add/remove programs…
So I made a nice little collection with a query that only shows clients missing the inventory.

        SMS_R_System.ResourceId NOT IN (SELECT ResourceID FROM SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS)
        AND Client = 1